

Constitution for Lean Leaders 


Article I -- Name, Purpose and General Statements

Section 1: The official name of this organization shall be the Lean Leaders Club. 

Section 2: The club shall operate as a nonprofit organization. 

Section 3: The club shall abide by the applicable policies and procedures of ASUSU and the Utah State University Student Code. 

Section 4: This organization shall exist for the following purposes: 

A. To provide an awareness of the power of Lean systems used in any industry.  

B. To educate students on  Lean leadership, Lean culture, and the wise use of Lean tools.

C. To interact with other clubs and student groups through social events, educational forums, and service projects.
D. To create a network of internships and job opportunities between USU students and Lean practitioners worldwide.
E. To create a network of "Lean Leader" clubs nationwide, by connecting with other university campuses nationwide. Sponsored by the Shingo Prize.

Article II -- Membership

Section 1: Membership is open to everybody (except business attendees) without regard to age, race, creed, color, sex, national origin, or disability.

Section 2: Voting membership is open to all students, faculty, and staff at Utah State University.

A. No more than 1/3 of the voting membership shall consist of non-students.

Section 3: To become a member, one must pay the dues (once per semester), fill out the membership application form, and return it to the secretary of the club.

A. Membership is not available to business attendees. A business attendee is someone who is on the clock during meetings and or has their dues paid by the company for which they work.

Article III -- Co-Sponsors

Section 1: Co-Sponsorship is available to all business attendees.

Section 2: To become a co-sponsor, one must pay the dues (once per semester), fill out the co-sponsor application form, and return it to the secretary of the club.

Section 3: Co-sponsors can recruit from the members, and have advertising benifits.

Article IV -- Officers

Section 1: The officers of this club shall consist of President, Vice President, VP of Communications, VP of Finance, VP of Service, VP of Education, VP of Networking, and VP of Public Relations.

A. All officers must currently be enrolled as students at Utah State University.

Section 2: The duties of the officers are as follows:

A. President: Preside over all meetings of the club and serve as chairperson of the executive committee. Act as official representative of the club at other meetings and events. Attend monthly CSCO meetings. To be eligible to run for president, one must have served as a VP for at least one semester.

B. VP of Operations: Assist President with all logistical matters dealing with other VPs, and meetings. Assume President's responsibilities in the case of innactive President.

C. VP of Communications: Record and produce minutes of all meetings. Maintain and distribute internal information to club members.

D. VP of Finance: Handle all financial transactions of the club. Maintain thorough and accurate records of all transactions. Produce financial reports as required by the club.

E. VP of Service: Work with University, companies and other groups to set up and administer service projects to provide students with opportunities to apply lean principles and help the community. Chair of Service Committee.

F. VP of Education: Determine material to be taught in club, and arrange for teachers to pres. Chair of Education Committee.

G. VP of Networking: Contact businesses and individuals to find resources and educational opportunities; maintain knowledge of industry events related to club. Chair of Networking Committee.

H. VP of Public Relations: Inform campus and community of club activity and accomplishments. Handle club’s correspondence with other clubs and groups. Chair of Publicity Committee.

Section 3: Officers shall be elected during the last May and last December meetings and shall serve for a period of one semester, not to hold the same executive office for more than one years time. Potential officer candidates will be decided through an application and interview process. After determining potential candidates (all eligible candidates that pass the preliminary interview and application process), officers shall be elected by plurality (50 percent plus one) of the voting members present, providing a quorum is present. Officers will be removed if they violate any of the policies and procedures of ASUSU or as outlined in the Student Code.

Article V -- Committees

Section 1: The standing committees of this club shall be:

A. Executive Committee: Consist of the elected officers and chairpersons of all committees. Sets meeting dates for the club. Sets membership dues with approval of the membership. Determines committee assignments. Acts on behalf of  he club during the summer.

B. Networking Committee: Responsible for networking between USU students and Lean practitioners worldwide; finding internships and jobs related to lean. Work with the Career Center to publish internships and jobs.

C. Education Committee: Handles all planning and arrangements for guest speaker programs, field trips, and learning materials distribution.

D. Publicity Committee: Handles publicity for events and recruiting efforts. Assists the VP of Communication in his/her responsibilities.
E. Special Committees: Additional committees can be added as deemed necessary by the club.
Section 2: Temporary special committees may be established to carry out special assignments.

Article VI -- Financial Matters

Section 1: This club shall not provide monetary gain, incidentally or otherwise, to its directors or membership except as payment for services rendered in the form of wages, salaries, or incentives. 

Date of Ratification:

Signatures of Officers/Witnesses:

Criteria of a Registered Club

1. Register each year by completing and submitting a new application, constitution, and mission statement.

2. Have six or more members.

3. Attend the mandatory monthly CSCO meeting. These will be held the 3rd Thursday of every month at 5:00 p.m. in the TSC Auditorium. For the school

year, these dates are:

a. September 21st

b. October 19th

c. November 11th

d. January

e. February

f. March  (due to Spring Break)

g. April

4. To be eligible for funding, clubs are strongly encouraged to promote Aggie pride by participating in the following activities:

a. Attend the monthly CSCO meetings

b. Homecoming Activities

i. Street Painting

ii. Parade

c. Aggie Week of Welcome (WOW)

d. Christmas Tree Lane

e. Other campus activities as determined by the Campus Diversity and Organizations VP and CSCO Director

5. Hold a minimum of one meeting per month with 40% attendance of club members.

6. Abide by university standards and regulations.

7. Turn in documentation of activities and service projects to Campus Diversity and Organizations Vice President.

8. Turn in information sheets of updates and changes in club leadership, if applicable.

9. Hold one service project per semester that is approved by the Campus Diversity and Organizations VP or CSCO Director. The Service Project approval form is in included in this handbook.



Privileges of a Registered Club


Recognition of a college club is a privilege, not a right. This privilege carries with it certain responsibilities. Club members are obligated to conduct themselves in a manner that is a credit to themselves, their fellow club members, advisors, and the University. Failure to uphold these responsibilities may result in the temporary or permanent loss of recognition and accompanying privileges.

Once your club is registered, you may enjoy a variety of privileges. These include:

• Right to participate in such activities as Day on the Quad, Week of Welcome, Homecoming Week activities, Christmas Tree Lane, and A-Day

• Opportunity to receive funding from CSCO

• Use of Utah State University’s name in association with your club

• Use of TSC rooms free of charge

• Access to the ASUSU Design Room

• Allocation of 50 copies per semester

• Up to 200 free mailings per year

• Free USU e-mail account


Conduct of Registered Clubs


1. Student clubs or organizations may have its registration suspended by the Student Involvement & Leadership Center or the Vice President of Student Services if the organization submits falsified required information or if there is a violation of the written policies of ASUSU or any provision of the USU Student Code. The Student Code is available online at

2. Student Clubs or organizations shall not conduct activities that interfere with or disrupt the educational activities of the university.

3. Student clubs or organizations will be held responsible for the actions of its members. If a club’s actions are in  iolation of university policy or USU Student Code, disciplinary action will be taken. The members are accountable for  iolations of federal, state, or local laws; the ASUSU constitution; and the regulations of the university.